Outdoor Education report with WSU

Outdoor Education report with WSU

A partnership in research between Pymble Ladies' College and Western Sydney University has resulted in exciting new research into girls' experiences in outdoor education.

Education Journal Club – Scots boatshed evening

Education Journal Club – Scots boatshed evening

After some years of meeting online, the Education Journal Club returned to in-person get togethers at the Scots College boathouse to discuss research with Professor Francis Su, past-President of the Mathematical Association of America.

Opportunities for student researchers to shine

Opportunities for student researchers to shine

There are opportunities for student researchers in many areas of school life. As schools build their research culture, look out for existing opportunities to add value to students' learning experiences. This will simultaneously expand the profile of research and introduce more students and staff to its benefits.

Talking research in an afternoon conversation

Talking research in an afternoon conversation

Are you looking for ways to make research visible in your educational community? Do you have a platform for celebrating research in your school? Holding a research conversations afternoon is an idea which is very easy to replicate.