Shining a light on education and research

Shining a light on education and research

Pymble Ladies’ College publishes our research and innovation journal twice a year with articles by staff members and guest writers. You can read the latest edition of the College’s research publication here. Edition 7 is inspired by the Academic Intelligence pillar of our strategic plan which encourages us to contribute to knowledge for a better world in ways that model the enduring virtues of intellectual tenacity and scholarship. The articles in Illuminate: Research and Innovation span a wide range of topics which give the reader insight into current issues in classrooms and staffrooms.

Highlights from the latest edition include:

  • Journeys of curriculum innovation in Geography with articles from Ray Howells (agriculture) and Liam Hume and Deb Owens (interdisciplinary learning); members of our Geography, Business and Economics team
  • Mapping a College-wide approach to internal teacher accreditation and reward by Kerryl Howarth, Director of Professional Learning 
  • Understanding ways of enhancing student learning in Year 12 Higher School Certificate courses by Melissa McMahon
  • Looking at local history through a First Nations perspective by History and Aboriginal Studies teacher and PhD candidate, Ryan Stewart

For the complete list of Pymble Institute publications, visit the website.

To contact any authors, contact the Pymble Institute on