Research-Invested Schools network annual conference

Research-Invested Schools network annual conference

Whether you’re an academic with a commitment to practice in schools, a teacher looking to take up postgraduate research studies in education, or a research-lead in your school (in an official or unofficial role); the organising team welcomes you to the Research Invested Schools network conference.

Join us on 1 and 2 August 2024 for a journey across school-based research at Pymble Ladies’ College, Barker College and Scots College. All three Sydney schools will host a portion of the conference, starting at Pymble for the first morning and lunch, moving to Barker for the afternoon and conference dinner, and then to Scots for Day 2. This is an excellent opportunity to hear about other schools’ journeys and to network with people from around Australia.

More information is available on the conference website.

New for 2024 – Delegate Contributions

Each school with delegates at the 2024 RIS National Gathering has something valuable to share with the network, regardless of their role, context, or extent of research investment. The conference convenors seek to finalise the conference program based on the strengths and priorities of the network.

Therefore, as part of registration, you are invited to share a 5-minute account of what you are doing in one of four aspects of research investment. You are warmly welcome to make multiple contributions via this form – – and will be contacted prior to the conference to confirm what you may be asked to share.

The conference organisers look forward to welcoming you to our schools in August.